Tuesday, 17 December 2013

The UX Portfolio – What makes the client tick..

I imagine it must be hard for an experienced designer to hear from a recruiter that you need to jazz up your portfolio, when you’re the ones who’ve actually done the work! I find it a little hard to say sometimes, but it is the client that tells us what they look for, we’re the ones that have these conversations and know what the client is looking for, so do our best to offer as much guidance as we can.

I did come across an article that was a really good read for me that comes direct from a client, it gives you an insight to what clients look for in a UX portfolio when they’re interviewing. We offer advice here on how to make your portfolio appealing to clients - different clients in different verticals like different things which doesn’t exactly help you as a candidate, but hopefully this article can provide a good starting point.


If you feel you need some guidance on putting together an updated portfolio, we’re more than happy to help. It would be great to hear from you as a candidate and find out what you find the biggest hurdles when putting together work examples. Equally, clients that can pass on any nuggets of information that you feel could help candidates would be much appreciated.

Please feel free to discuss further with Sukhi Kang

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