Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Preparing for a UX job interview

"Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple"

Preparing for an interview, especially a UX job interview, is quite tricky. It’s not always the skills you have or bring to the table, but more the personality fit and your opinions etc.
UX Job Interview
I was lucky enough to spend some time with an ex-footballer who’s now a Match of the Day pundit earlier this week, we got talking about his job and how it came about, the interview process etc. I work in recruitment I couldn’t help it!!  Funnily enough he wasn’t too interested in hearing about the life of a User Experience Recruitment consultant from Grazeley. His loss.

What he told me was quite interesting, through his playing career and then into his punditry career he has always been, and will always be, direct. Just answer the question asked of him, be concise and to the point. The rest is a matter of opinion, and you can’t rehearse or mess up your opinion. I appreciate it’s different in other interviews and jobs, your opinion needs credibility which this particular individual does have so he gets away with it, but essentially people miss the point of actually answering the question asked of them. When gathering feedback from clients, we find that candidates will use the interview to talk about everything and anything, but not answer what is asked of them.

'Waffled'.. 'Undersold'.. 'Talked around the subject'.. 'Went on'.. 'Missed the point'..  These are the terms we hear.

Going back to the really interesting conversation I had this week, it sounds so simple….. but….. answering the question that’s asked of you seems to go a long way.

Here’s a good article that I came across which is a good read for those of you on your way to an interview.


Monday, 8 June 2015

Preparing for your UX contract abroad

The process of getting ready for your UX contract abroad is much like preparing to go on holiday, however in this instance you’re looking to earn money in another country. Either mentally or on paper/digital, you’re going to need to start with a comprehensive checklist of things to get in order before you leave.

Working abroad
Day Rate
Make sure to do your research beforehand and settle on a day rate that works for you and the employer. Figure out how much of your day to day expenses will have to come out of your own pocket, and therefore what kind of wiggle room you need on your rate. Look up local contracting rates and check that your expectations are along the right lines. Consider conversion rates and how they may fluctuate slightly over the course of your contract – it is likely you will lock down a day rate in the country’s currency, however this could translate into different amounts each pay day if you are being paid into a UK bank account.

You should endeavour to network with other UX contractors to find the best options for accommodation. Looking online is a great first step, too! Some people like to secure short term hotel accommodation for their first few days abroad, and then settle upon somewhere more permanent once they’ve spent some more time there. You may also need to consider any rent or mortgage at home, too – are you able to be mobile at this point in time, can you sub-let, or are you coming to the end of a tenancy?

If this is your first time taking contract UX work abroad, you should reach out within your network or with an industry recruiter to learn about the ins and outs. Depending on the company, you may be able to receive pay into your existing bank account, but you may well need to take steps to make payment possible within your country of work. Ask these question at the earliest possible opportunity, similarly if you are working via a recruiter. You also need to consider whether you would like to work via your own limited company, or if you need to sign up with an umbrella firm to help you process payment. In this case, ask people you know for recommendations on reliable providers and search around for the best rates.

You should check with your employer beforehand regarding expenses. Will you be able to expense travel, food and accommodation? Or, would you need to factor this into your day rate (see step one)? Find out what their expenses process is like – can you submit as you go along, or do you have to wait until you invoice? Make sure to find out about all of the help you are able to receive in this area, to make certain your earnings go further.

We hope these tips have been helpful.  Read more on the IC Resources news section for insights on contract and permanent employment within UX.


Friday, 5 June 2015

UX in 2015 and the Social Bubble

The UX market is always evolving, this is why we all love it!

User experienceI came across this article and found it an interesting read. When I saw the headline of the article, I was immediately thinking.....Social Media, Wearables, Internet of things. I was actually pleasantly surprised when I did read the article.

I did however find it hard not to notice the projections that analysts have predicted for Instagram in 2020, it’s projected to hit 5.8 billion dollars. Social is obviously going from strength to strength and it’s almost just a matter of time before the next social phenomenon hits us!

You see some of the fantastic work that the User Experience designers are part of, everything does seem to have a to social presence and I’m seeing a lot of designers factoring this into their latest projects, how will businesses be able to stay in touch with social to make sure they maximise this phenomenon!?

Will we suffer from companies using social media mediums for the sake of being relevant and because it seems to be the ‘done thing’? If you’re not benefiting from the social mediums, is it necessarily worth having the channels in place? How and when do businesses know what social channels are going to be useful and which avenues leave them open to negative and possibly bad publicity?

Would be great to get your thoughts.


Thursday, 4 June 2015

Should you UX for free?

As we hope you know, your UX talents are amazing, valuable things! As in any profession, the marketplace can put a price on your skills (read here) and your level of experience and vision can indicate what you could be worth to a company.

So, when should you work for free?

When you’re just starting out:
Most UX-lings will know that it’s tough starting out, but with the right attitude and contacts you can get there! Getting together an awesome portfolio is an important first step, and a great way to do this before landing your first job is to offer your services free of charge.

When it’s a project you love:
If there’s a brand, company or start up you’d be honoured to have your name attached to; there’s no harm in offering assistance to make your dream come true. If there’s a job going – even better – but if you’re motivated by the work itself, then let them know you’d be happy to help out – you never know what may come of it!

When it’s a friend in need:
As you grow your network of UX colleagues you may come across those who are struggling to get their own projects off the ground. Why not help out, get involved in something cool, and help a friend realise their vision at the same time?

When you want to collaborate:
You’re a UX developer with an idea. Your friend’s a designer, who also knows a mean UX researcher looking for some short term work. What better than to put your skills together and create something worthwhile? Working together with only a mission and coffee spurring you on can result in something beautiful.

So there you have it; our top reasons why you might like to offer up your valuable skills for zilch! Have you ever worked for free, and if so, in what circumstance?

Please email us here to tell us.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Why taking a project abroad could be a good idea...

Sick of London? Sick of drizzle? Sick of commuting? Sick of spending your mornings pressed up against a stranger’s armpit?

Sounds like you need a break.

Whilst your mind might instantly wander to long holidays in far flung places, your pocket might be advising you otherwise. If you haven’t before – now might be a good time to think about taking a contract overseas, where you can enjoy the thrill of discovering a new destination whilst earning – instead of spending – money.

There are plenty of companies in Europe and further afield in need of UX talent. Whether you’re a UX or UI designer, researcher, tester, or a product manager - at any one point there are hundreds of firms crying out for your specific UX talent.

Half of the fun of contracting is meeting new people and teams, and what could be better than working your way across the world and experiencing different design cultures?

And, depending on where you choose to work, you could be making a very decent sum of money in a short space of time – enough to cover your travel, expenses and more!

If the idea of travelling is just as exciting to you as getting your hands dirty on an exciting, new project, get in touch with IC Creative to find out whether you could be a good match for any of their overseas UX contracts.

Please contact Sukhi Kang or Chris Bryan on  01189 881150.