The UX market is always evolving, this is why we all love it!
I did however find it hard not to notice the projections that analysts have predicted for Instagram in 2020, it’s projected to hit 5.8 billion dollars. Social is obviously going from strength to strength and it’s almost just a matter of time before the next social phenomenon hits us!
You see some of the fantastic work that the User Experience designers are part of, everything does seem to have a to social presence and I’m seeing a lot of designers factoring this into their latest projects, how will businesses be able to stay in touch with social to make sure they maximise this phenomenon!?
Will we suffer from companies using social media mediums for the sake of being relevant and because it seems to be the ‘done thing’? If you’re not benefiting from the social mediums, is it necessarily worth having the channels in place? How and when do businesses know what social channels are going to be useful and which avenues leave them open to negative and possibly bad publicity?
Would be great to get your thoughts.
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